
This layout is based on US company staff combined with elements of regimental structure because the Auxiliary has no parent unit. The organization is deliberately officer-heavy. An infantry company would often be commanded by a captain with lieutenants in charge of 3-4 platoons of mainly enlisted. Special Forces companies are often commanded by a major, as here, because they operate in small sub-units where more leadership and discretion is required. This structure is also intended to be able to rapidly muster volunteers underneath it, and the quads (described below under Operational Units) step in to organize these work parties of volunteers as rough platoons. In an extended emergency, we then have a convenient structure for rapidly training and deploying the full company's worth of personnel or possibly even a battalion. In normal (non-emergency) operation, we would collect NCOs to hold onto special expertise these work-parties will need to do their jobs, with enlisted personnel coming and going over time.
Staff positions:

  • CO/CDR/Commander - Major
  • XO/Executive Officer - Captain S-3
    • Chief of Staff (Captain S-5)
      • Adjutant (NCO S-1) - Assistant for personnel and administration
      • Quartermaster QM (1st Lieutenant S-4) - Handles property and logistics.
        • Finance Clerk (S-8)
      • Chief Medical Officer CMO (Lieutenant SG)
      • Communications (Lieutenant S-6)
      • Unit Chaplain (Lieutenant)
      • Command Sergeant Major/CSM, Senior NCO (Sergeant Major)
        • Security/Intelligence (NCO or Warrant Officer S-2)
          • Master of Arms (NCO) - Responsible for checking/authorizing combat and training weapons and serves as Range Master.
      • Staff sergeants under CoS for finance, legal, personnel report to CoS, CSM handles personnel matters.
      • Communications sergeant for unit dispatch

Continental System of Numbering For Staff Positions/Departments

The Continental System of Numbering is given for reference in comparing staff positions to that of other organizations.

  1. Personnel and administration
  2. Intelligence and security
  3. Operations
  4. Logistics
  5. Plans
  6. Signal (i.e., communications or IT)
  7. Training
  8. Finance and contracts. Also known as "resource management".
  9. Civil-Military Co-operation (CIMIC) or 'civil affairs'.


The Commander of the unit is the senior officer, Commandant of the organization, reports to the Sheriff, and coordinates with outside agencies. The Commander is responsible for operational command of the unit, chairs meetings, develops and approves the overall training and doctrine, and is responsible for the functioning of the Auxiliary as a smooth unit. The Commander generally bestows major awards, promotions, and discipline except when the Sheriff reserves that role or delegated to the XO.
Reporting Requirements:

  • The Commander endorses and forwards quarterly reports from the command staff, adding a cover letter and summary of overall activity.
  • The Commander meets, usually monthly, with the Sheriff.
  • The Commander prepares or delegates and endorses organizational policy documents.

Executive Officer

The Executive Officer or XO supports the Commander in his roles and takes the place of the Commander when not available. The XO works with the Chief of Staff (or Adjutant, if applicable) to monitor personnel matters, recommend promotions, and bring matters to the attention of the Commander. The XO generally ensures that orders are carried out and that the rules of the unit are followed. The XO shall operate as or appoint the Parliamentarian at meetings. The XO provides forward operational command in the field and may take direct command of critical tasks in order to ensure success of the mission.
Reporting Requirements:

  • The XO ensures that quarterly and annual reports occur in a timely fashion.
  • The XO coordinates After Action Reviews, reviewing and endorsing the reports.

Chief of Staff (S5)

The Chief of Staff organizes all of the staff functions of the unit, consolidates daily operations and reporting, coordinating with their counterpart in the Sheriff's staff. The Chief of Staff may appoint an Adjutant to handle personnel matters (S-1). If an Adjutant is appointed, they act as a clerk and all responsibility still rests with the Chief of Staff.
The Chief of Staff reports to the XO on most matters and to the Commander on major issues and periodic reports. The Chief of Staff prepares quarterly reports for the Sheriff to be signed off on by the Commander. The Chief of Staff prepares requests for the Sheriff on the commissioning or promotion of officers, and approves enlisted staff appointments by the Senior NCO.
The Chief of Staff shall develop and maintain standards of training and qualification for the organization upon consultation with appropriate staff and officials, to be approved by the Commandant and the Sheriff. The Chief of Staff maintains the unit roster, duty list, calendar of events, and personnel records, including current credentials and identity documents, however, the S2 shall be directly responsible for unit identification, accounts, and passwords.
Reporting Requirements:
The Chief of Staff:

  • shall submit quarterly reports containing activity summaries for events, exercises, and incidents.
  • shall coordinate with the Adjutant and/or Command Sergeant Major to submit quarterly reports on personnel matters, including an updated roster, volunteer qualifications, and progress towards qualification targets.
  • shall endorse and forward the quarterly reports of the staff sections, including:
    • inventory and any report submitted by the Quartermaster.
    • Communications
    • Intelligence/Security
    • Chief Medical Officer

Quartermaster (S4)

The quartermaster manages property, equipment, consumables, and finances of the Auxiliary. The Quartermaster is responsible for periodic inventories, tracking loaned or issued equipment, and ensuring that stores are replenished given appropriate funds.
Specialized equipment is managed by the appropriate staff officer but audited by the Quartermaster. For example, medical supplies are managed by the Chief Medical Officer who reports inventories to the Quartermaster and cooperates with periodic audits. Similarly, any weapons (real or simulated), ammunition, range equipment, and so forth are managed by the Master of Arms but reported to the Quartermaster.
The Quartermaster shall designate NCOs qualified to be facilities managers for maintaining field headquarters, event/training sites, LCSA-operated shelters and facilities, shall work with the Command Sergeant Major to recommend candidates, develop qualifications and training for these positions.
Reporting Requirements:
The Quartermaster:

  • shall submit a quarterly inventory of all assets of the Sheriff's Auxiliary under the authority of the Quartermaster to the Chief of Staff, including
    • an accounting of any assets assigned to volunteers or outside organizations
    • coordinating with staff sections (e.g. CMO, Communications, Intelligence/Security) to ensure that assets under care of that section are inventoried and periodically audited. 
  • shall endorse and forward the report of the Finance Clerk to the Chief of Staff
  • shall create equipment test/maintenance schedules, delegate execution and ensure periodic reporting/assessment.


Chief Medical Officer

The Chief Medical Officer or CMO is the top-level authority in the LCSA on medical matters and has several areas of responsibility:

  1. Develop standards and procedures within the Auxiliary related to medical matters, including standards of medical/first aid equipment, first aid training, and record keeping;
  2. Take responsibility for medical/first aid supplies/equipment belonging to the Auxiliary; coordinate with the Quartermaster on inventory and procurement;
  3. Maintain and secure Auxiliary medical records (such as volunteers In Case of Emergency (ICE) information) and ensure correct handling of medical information for victims;
  4. In the field, the CMO is responsible for control and dispensation of medical equipment and supplies;
  5. The CMO is the final authority on questions of medical fitness for duty, safety, and other matters within his/her expertise;
  6. Direct first aid and medical operations of the Auxiliary in the field;

In the absence of the CMO, the Ranking Medical Officer (RMO) on-site holds the corresponding authority. The CMO or RMO's authority is absolute within their expertise. The CMO may delegate their authority and responsibilities to such assistants as may be necessary or practical, in cooperation with the Chief of Staff and the CSM.
Reporting Requirements:
The CMO:

  • Shall submit a quarterly report to command staff summarizing activities related to medical operations. Such report shall include:
    • A summary of volunteer first aid qualifications and progress toward training targets.
    • An audit of ICE (In-Case-Of-Emergency) information for volunteers. (Do we have emergency contact information for everyone?)
  • Shall coordinate with the Quartermaster to ensure that medical stores under control of the CMO have been inventoried for the quarterly report
  • Shall annually ensure that any necessary paperwork for duty limits due to medical conditions is appropriately filed for all volunteers.

Communications Chief (S6)

The Communications Officer facilitates and coordinates Sheriff's Auxiliary communications, including working to develop communications plans and protocols, recommend and standardize technology, and coordinate communications training. The Comms Officer also participates in community processes to foster interoperable communications between the Sheriff's Office and other organizations/agencies. The Auxiliary Communications section, under direction of the Communications Officer, provides field communications for the Sheriff's Auxiliary, field communications for the Sheriff's Office when required, and supports the overall Emergency Communications and Public Warning functions of the Sheriff's Office. Finally, the Communications Officer is expected to direct research and experimentation in new emergency communications technologies and techniques.
The Communications Officer is also responsible, directly, through designated subordinates, or through outside professionals, for the Auxiliary websites, email, and team management system.
The Communications Officer shall coordinate with the Intelligence/Security Chief to provide secure communications channels for sensitive or confidential communications and to control access to access-restricted Auxiliary communications systems.
Reporting Requirements:
The Communications Officer:

  • Submits a quarterly report to command staff summarizing communications activity, levels of training, number of licensed radio operators, and progress toward training/licensing targets. The report is also required to include such information on available and deployed base stations, mobile radios, and handheld radios capable of using the Sheriff's Office assigned Public Service channels sufficient to meet the Sheriff's Office's FCC reporting requirements.
  • Coordinates with the Quartermaster to ensure that communications equipment under control of the Communications Officer is inventoried for the quarterly reports and periodically tested.

Intelligence/Security Chief (S2)

[Version 0.1 Unapproved draft] The Intelligence and Security Chief is generally responsible for the security of the organization. Security exists when risk is managed to the most practical point that allows completion of organizational missions. All assets to include facilities, field sites, training areas, personnel, equipment, and information fall under the protection of the S2. The S2 must understand the scope of the organization's mission and the types of activities that organization will undertake to properly plan security. The S2 must understand the duties of the other staff sections in order to tailor security to their activities.
The S2 researches security matters that may affect the organization and helps the command staff develop measures to prevent, mitigate, and respond to risk. The S2 devises information and physical security practices and creates doctrine that will ultimately be approved or denied by the commander. The S2 is available to advise the staff on security matters during planning, preparation, and execution of missions. The S2 studies the effectiveness of security measures taken during missions to determine if any changes should be made. The S2 participates in the Training/Exercise Program, particularly scenario development, in order to ensure that exercises target realistic threats using credible scenarios.
One of the missions of the LCSA is to provide supplemental capabilities to the Sheriff's Office during routine operations. The Auxiliary's intelligence function, under the S2, is intended to provide the Sheriff's Office with an additional intelligence capability. This capability will include research into community threats, analysis, verification, validation, and accreditation (VV&A) of intelligence sources.
Reporting Requirements:

  • The S2 provides command staff with a quarterly report summarizing activity within his section, including specifically status of outstanding tasks and action items with respect to organizational security (e.g. items from exercise or incident Lessons Learned which have been approved for implementation).
  • At least annually, the S2 submits an organizational risk assessment with any recommendations for major changes involving other sections.
  • The S2 endorses and forwards the report of the Master of Arms.
  • Annually, and with quarterly updates, the S2 shall write an intelligence summary which shall be submitted to command staff, the Sheriff's Office, and, upon approval of the Sheriff, forwarded to the Emergency Management Director. This summary shall inform the relevant parties of exigent threats which need to be taken into account in county emergency planning. Additional advisories or reports on specific threats shall be produced as need arises and, where appropriate, published to the public-facing website.
  • The S2 ensures that security violations or data compromises from internal or external sources are reported to Command Staff in a timely fashion.

Master of Arms

The Master of Arms is responsible for weapons, simulated weapons, weapon safety, physical security, related standards and procedures:

  1. Takes responsibility for weapons (simulated or otherwise), munitions, and training equipment belonging to the Auxiliary, coordinating with the Quartermaster for inventory and procurement.
  2. Inspects and authorizes such equipment before it is used in training, exercise, or deployment, whether or not it belongs to the Auxiliary (e.g. inspects and authorizes personal equipment brought to the range prior to use).
    1. Develops qualification and training standards for and certifies Auxiliary Range Masters.
    2. Is the senior and default Range Master.
  3. Has authority over and is responsible for any and all Auxiliary small arms lockers on site or to delegate that authority.
  4. Develops and recommends standards for equipment used by the unit, balancing cost/availability, effectiveness, and compatibility.
  5. Develops defense training standards and personal defense doctrine for the Auxiliary.
  6. Develops and enforces range and weapons safety rules.
  7. The Master of Arms (or designated subordinates) has authority within his sphere to detain or evict any persons (whether or not LCSA personnel) from an LCSA operated site who are in violation of the weapons safety rules and, in his or her belief, therefore present a danger to the safety of themselves or others. Likewise, he or she may confiscate and secure any weapons involved in order to remove the danger.
  8. The Master of Arms has authority to detain or dismiss any LCSA volunteer on active duty found in violation of weapons safety rules whether or not on an LCSA-operated site.
  9. The Master of Arms may initiate disciplinary action against a volunteer found in violation of weapons safety rules.
  10. The authority of the Master of Arms in the field regarding weapons safety and the authority of a Range Master on his or her range is supreme regardless of rank or station of any participants. Disputes may be brought before a Commander's Mast or similar body off the field, but safety concerns of the Master of Arms or Range Master are satisfied first. The only remedy for an on-the-field dispute between Command and the Master of Arms or Range Master is to have them relieved of duty and replaced, however, in any instance where this occurs, the dismissing officer shall be required to justify his or her actions before a tribunal and the Master of Arms shall appear and present witnesses.
  11. Provides, directly or through designated subordinates, security for LCSA-operated-or-secured sites or facilities under direction of the Officer of the Watch (OOW),  the Chief of the Watch (COW), the Sheriff or Sheriff's Deputies, other Auxiliary command authority, or designated civil authority operating such site (e.g. the operator of a shelter the LCSA is charged with securing).
  12. Ensures that all personnel or training/exercise participants know and understand range and weapons safety rules, that appropriate summaries of the rules are posted at all LCSA-operated sites and events, and that full copies of the rules are available.

The Master of Arms, Range Master, and designated subordinates wear a red armband or red blaze on the sleeves so that they may be readily identified and their authority recognized.

Unit Chaplain

The Unit Chaplain reports to the Chief of Staff. The Chaplain(s) are responsible for the spiritual well-being of the Auxiliary volunteers, the members of the Sheriff's Office as a whole, and their families. The Unit Chaplain supervises and trains Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants. The LCSA Unit Chaplain and subordinates may act on behalf of the public at large and minister to victims or victims families (or those accused), but primary responsibility is to the unit and to the Sheriff's Office.


The role of an LCSA Chaplain mirrors that of a US military chaplain as outlined at , but some points will be emphasized/clarified here.


  • Chaplains operate in a pluralistic setting. Chaplains may serve people who are not of their denomination or faith group. Some of those served may be agnostic, indifferent or even antagonistic to religious faith. Chaplains must maintain and be true to their own faith and moral compass while serving the needs of all. Ability to maintain this delicate balance is a critical selection factor for LCSA Chaplains.
  • When a Chaplain is present, they shall perform the invocation at Auxiliary meetings and events.
  • Responsibility for weekly religious services and other ceremonies shall primarily be when the Auxiliary or the Sheriff's Office is deployed in the field. Ensuring that volunteers have access to religious and spiritual services when deployed is a critical function.
  • The Unit Chaplain, as a member of the Commander's staff, is responsible for advising the Commander and, on request, the Lawrence County Sheriff, on all moral, ethical, spiritual, and religious issues.
  • The Chaplain "goes where the unit goes" and must be prepared to minister in all imaginable circumstances.


Reporting Requirements:


The Unit Chaplain reports to the Chief of Staff.


Each quarter, the Unit Chaplain shall submit a report to command staff summarizing the current number and status of Chaplains and Chaplain's assistants, and of overall activities occurring under under their authority. The Unit Chaplain shall coordinate with the Quartermaster to ensure that any unit property currently under the care of their office is properly inventoried and accounted for.