May 2012

CERT Course 8-9 June, Please Sign Up!

We have scheduled the CERT Introductory course for 8 and 9 June (Friday evening and Saturday) in the Lawrence County Emergency Operations Center. This is a free training required for all LCSA volunteers. Several of us have also decided to have their older children or family members go through the training. We need at least 15 people signed up to run the course, so please RSVP.

Citations and Resources

Citations used in this course along with resources for further study.

  • Constitution and the Founding Era
    • [ibib]MissouriConstitution[/ibib]; Also includes the text of the US Constitution.
    • [ibib]DeclarationofIndependence[/ibib]
    • [ibib]157[/ibib]
    • The Federalist Papers


Different Roles as Volunteers

  • Acting in personal capacity
  • As a volunteer, officially, under authority of Sheriff
  • As a volunteer under the Incident Command System
  • Deputized in an emergency
  • Other hats you may carry (e.g. ARES/RACES, EMS)
  • When stuff just happens

Radios In an Emergency


  • Use of radios in an emergency (brief; to be expanded in Communications course)
    • In actual emergency: Any method to draw attention and get help

Crisis Intervention

Models for the Auxiliary

  • Fyrd->Housecarls->Witan
    • Anglo-Saxon England; 7th century or earlier
    • The best of each household serve in the Fyrd
    • Limited length of time for service each season
    • Housecarls or "House Earls" served the Jarl or Earl; Deputies
    • Local people met in moots; elected representatives to annual Witans; determine succession
  • Zouaves, militias
    • Colonial militia was primarily civil defense with some emergency management duties

The Sheriff under the Law

  • Only mention in US/State Constitution is MO Constitution Article V Sec 27 4(b):

    b. Upon the effective date of this article, the office of constable serving magistrate courts is abolished. The functions, powers and duties of such constables shall be transferred to and be performed by the sheriff of the county or the sheriff of the city of St. Louis.

The Development of the Constitution

  • Frame the history of the debate over personal and civil defense
  • British Common Law and Bill of Rights
  • Declaration of Independence and Revolution
  • Constitution

Further Reading List:
