Our Symbols

The banner or device we use for the Lawrence County Sheriff's Auxiliary was originally created by Eric Vought in 2008 for an organization called the Statesmen For Our Constitutional Republic which had been created to explore many of the concepts of personal duty and community service which were eventually embodied in our organization. The device was carefully crafted to tie together and remind us of past examples of such service in order to guide our efforts. When the Auxiliary formed, the symbol was released for its use. The components of the banner have deep Christian and patriotic overtones, but it is primarily intended as an emblem of duty, service, and sacrifice as is our motto, per ardua liberi.
Maltese Cross
The prominent symbol at the center of the banner is the Maltese Cross. It was originally used by the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem and Malta, commonly known as the Knights Hospitaller. The eight points of the cross represent Eight Days, the day after the seven of Creation, the first day of history, and is therefore a symbol of the individual choice to do good or to do evil. They founded a hospital on the temple mount in Jerusalem and defended pilgrims traveling in the Holy Land. It should be noted that they believed in serving peoples of all faiths and denominations: conversion by leadership and example, through healing the sick and defending the innocent rather than the then popular belief in converting the 'heathen' by the sword. It is this specific belief that service is rendered to all as a direct and personal duty that we attempt to emulate.
The Maltese Cross was used as the symbol of the Union V Corps, United States Volunteers, during the Civil War. Colonel Ephraim Ellsworth, who wrote and published the formula for the elite Zouave volunteer units used across the US in the 1830s and employed by both sides in the Civil War, had been born in Malta, New York. The 44th New York Volunteers, a Zouave Infantry Company in the V Corps, returned to New York after the conflict to form a series of volunteer Fire Departments. This is why Fire and Rescue companies use a form of the Maltese Cross in their symbol to this day. It represented a tradition not just of volunteerism and personal service, but of elite volunteers, the best of the best.
Forked Banner
Another symbol of direct and personal service is the forked tail of the banner. This cut represents Saint Martin of Tours, a Roman Knight born in 316 AD, who cut his own rich cloak in two to clothe a beggar ouside the gates of Amiens. As both a soldier and a lifelong patron of the poor, sick, and needy, Saint Martin connects to personal service, healing, and defense of the innnocent in the same manner as the later Knights of St. John. The forked banner symbolizes our willingness to serve the community directly and, when necessary, to sacrifice personally.
Red and Blue, White Stars
The field of red at the top of the banner represents sacrifice as it does in the US flag. The red field and white cross is an inversion of the symbol of the International Red Cross which was founded by Henry Dunant who, in the 19th century rendered aid to the wounded of both sides of the battle that raged across his home. Aiding the wounded while the battle was still being fought was unusual enough in his day and age, but aid irrespective of uniform was even more so. Once again, we see an individual who saw a crucial need and provided it directly, with his own hands, and at great personal danger, leading to the formation of an international organization dedicated to that cause.
The blue field below represents service as it does in the US flag. Sacrifice rests on top of service, as service is what gives sacrifice meaning. The two stars, the white of honor and virtue, represent service and virtue in the public and private spheres, which are and must be equal.
Direct, Personal Service in the Community
As a whole, the banner connects and emphasizes those who served their fellows and communities directly, sometimes spontaneously, and sometimes with great cost, training, and preparation, always with both compassion and competence. They did not pass a resolution, form a committee to study the problem, give a sermon, or say, "Something must be done," they simply found a way and did what was necessary. People are messy; service is messy, but it also worthwhile. The Lawrence County Sheriff's Auxiliary serves its communtiy. We shall due so personally, directly, with compassion, competently, and in the tradition of excellence we have inherited.