
An informational piece intended to be of long-term interest; an instructional, critical, or reference piece.

Ability, Opportunity, Jeopardy--- Elements of Lawful Self-Defense

There is an excellent article at a blog called Cornered Cat, A Woman's Guide To Concealed Carry. The article, "Can I shoot him? Ability, Opportunity, Jeopardy" goes into the three elements each of which must be present for a valid self-defense claim: did the attacker have the ability to cause serious physical harm or death? Did they have the opportunity to inflict that harm?

Sheriff's Office now has Chaplains via the Auxiliary

At our January meeting, the Sheriff commissioned the Sheriff's Auxiliary's first Chaplain: Lt. Junior Grade Brian Moomey has been a Branson Police Officer, former Pastor of Impact Christian Center in Aurora, a prison guard, and a hospice Chaplain. As LCS Auxiliary's Unit Chaplain, Lt. Moomey will help us to recruit and train additional Chaplains and Chaplains' assistants.

Testimony For Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) Hearing (Updated 1 Time)

There is a state Senate Committee hearing (General Laws) today for SB 613 (Second Amendment Protection Act or "SAPA") 2014 Regular Session. The Lawrence County Sheriff's Auxiliary submitted written testimony for the bill, primarily concerning the provisions creating the role of a School Protection Officer and its potential interaction with armed volunteers under law enforcement.
[Update 21 February 2014: This bill has passed the Missouri Senate 23-10.]

Manually Programming the Wouxun KG-UV6D (Draft)

A draft of an instruction manual for programming the Wouxun KG-UV6D dual-band radio from its keypad (field programming) is now available on Scribd and downloadable as a PDF. These radios are used by the Sheriff's Auxiliary and we have organized bulk purchases within the community.

United Hatzalah: Volunteers and Innovation Saving Lives

Another video today for people to think about. This is a presentation by a man who created United Hatzalah in Israel: an organization of volunteers who put ambulances on motorcycles to decrease response time and provide support for critical patients while the full-size ambulance fights it's way through traffic. Over the years, his organization has grown to thousands of volunteers in several countries and has become a vehicle for knitting together Jews, Arabs, and Christians.

Food For Thought: Message To Police and Sheriff's Deputies

I was recently sent a link to you-tube video, "Message To Police and Sheriff's Deputies,"  which is an eloquent and provocative commentary on some of the issues which we wrestle with in Our Constitution, Law, and the Auxiliary courses. When is it valid to use force in defense of self, in defense of others, and in defense of law, of property, or public order? Where is the line drawn?

Sandy Hook Shooting Final Report (PDF)

The official report of the State of Connecticut on the Sandy Hook shootings was released today: "Report of the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012" in a 44-page PDF. Unfortunately, the investigation did not reveal why the shooter chose the school as his target. Further commentary will appear here once I finish reading the report myself.


Wouxun KG-UV920P Dual-Band VHF/UHF Mobile Transceiver Review

The Sheriff's Auxiliary picked up a Wouxun KG-UV920P Dual Band Mobile Radio for purposes of evaluation in its last bulk radio purchase. We were looking for a bare-bones dual-band mobile at a price that volunteers could readily afford. The 920P is programmable to a wide range of channels, allowing us to use a single unit for Amateur radio (2m/148Mhz and 770cm/440Mhz), Part 90 Public Service, and, in a pinch, GMRS and MURS. The unit also supports cross-band repeat and, with the aid of a second unit and a cable, full repeater functionality.

Carry Travelogue- Reno Trip, Nevada CCW Changes, Open-Carry

I have posted an article on Gun Debate detailing our recent trip to Reno Nevada for the International Association of Emergency Manager's Conference. The three-part travelogue describes changes in Nevada's CCW laws, how we dealt with them, issues with open-carry, the status of Auxiliary volunteers traveling to other states, self-defense law, the panel presentation I particpated in on active shooters in education environments, the school shooting in Sparks, Nevada and other issues.

Immediate response to shooting incident (video and discussion)

There is a short video on the Personal Defense Network entitled "Active Shooter Response with Family Member: Staying Behind Cover". This is intended for personal defense but is also applicable to any sudden encounter for Auxiliary volunteers, in or out of uniform. Brief discussion follows.


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