Upcoming Ebola and community disease threat talk, 2 September

The Commander of the Sheriff's Auxiliary, Eric Vought, will be giving a talk on Tuesday 2 September on the potential of Ebola and other disease threats, what the expected response would be in the case of a major pandemic, and what can be done in the community to make weathering such events easier. The talk will summarize current knowledge of Ebola, try to dispel unreasonable fears and yet take a no-nonsense approach to the dangers which might exist. If a pandemic occurred, what could you do to protect your family and help the community respond?

The location for the meeting will be:

City of Monett
Park Casino Building
South Park Monett City Park
101 South Lincoln Avenue
Monett, Missouri

And the time will be from 7:00 pm until 9:00pm on Tuesday the 2nd of September.

The speaker was involved in Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare modeling at Air Force Studies and Analyses at the Pentagon in the mid-90's including studying data on natural and weaponized Ebola. He has started a county-level intelligence section within the Sheriff's Auxiliary and recently coordinated the production of a report for the Sheriff's Office on the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) disease with recommendations for protection of law enforcement responders and their families for disease threats. The Sheriff's Auxiliary has been monitoring the Ebola threat closely since the Lagos/Patrick Sawyer event in Nigeria.

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