Captain Krista Haymes, co-founder of the Sheriff's Auxiliary recently went on long-term non-operational status due to personal responsibilities she was no longer able to juggle. Her service to the organization--- starting as one of the four initial officers--- is greatly appreciated, but her loss leaves us an opening we need to fill.
The post of Chief-of-Staff of the Lawrence County Sheriff's Auxiliary is now officially vacant. Sergeant-Major Susan Durbin has been and will continue to fill in as Acting Chief-of-Staff until the position is filled. We will accept inquiries until our monthly meeting on 8 December 2014.
The role of Chief-of-Staff is a commissioned position; that is, any potential applicant would need to be a commissioned officer of LCSO/LCSA or would need to be able to become a commissioned officer. Due to our process of commissioning new officers requiring both approval by the body of current officers and by the Lawrence County Sheriff, receiving a commission is not guaranteed. The responsibilities of the Chief-of-Staff are given in the LCSA Organizing Document as are the qualifications for commissioned officers.