To volunteer, contact the Chief of Staff (select Volunteer from the drop-down). Monitor this website for announcements of meetings. Showing up at several meetings, listening, and getting to know people is the best way to be accepted.
We are now actively recruiting chaplains and chaplain's assistants. Chaplain candidates should have both pastoral and chaplain training/experience. We are working on developing chaplain training in this area for those with pastoral training who wish to serve as law enforcement chaplains.
We are very selective about officer candidates. Officer candidates must fill out an application, they must be sponsored by an existing officer and voted in by the existing officers at a meeting or Commander's Mast. They are then recommended to the Sheriff for commission, and, if the Sheriff signs off, they then take an oath of service and receive their commission certificate. Officers must undergo training to remain in good standing. Much of the training is offered free-of-charge, but does take substantial time commitment.
Enlisted (regular, non-commissioned members) must apply to the Chief of Staff and take an oath of service. Non-commissioned officers (enlisted who progress to leadership) must be sponsored by an existing NCO and appointed by the Chief of Staff and the senior NCO. Enlisted and NCOs must also meet training requirements to remain in good standing. Much of the training is offered free-of-charge, but does take substantial time commitment.
You may also be an affiliate without being an official volunteer. For example, you may arrange to provide food services in the field or donate the use of tools or business equipment during a disaster. We welcome this kind of participation, but please be aware that services offered in a disaster must be counted upon. If you offer services or use of equipment, please make it clear how reliable the offer is and what conditions it depends on. We will then write a brief Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlying our agreement to make it clear to your employees that we have an arrangement, to lay out who is responsible for the equipment in the field (are you or an employee to come with it, someone on our staff, or the Sheriff's Office?), and that you expect the equipment back after the disaster. If you are interested in helping out in this manner, please contact the Chief of Staff (select Volunteer from the drop-down and say that you are offering services or equipment). We shall endeavor to publicly thank any business or individual who contributes to our efforts and to a successful deployment; hopefully this will translate into public good will and more business for you.
If you are an affiliate, you may receive assistance from us in making your service more reliable and disaster-proof. For example, if you are offering a space for communications equipment and an emergency communications operator, we may help you with providing alternative power in the case of grid failure. If you are offering crash space and meals for volunteers, we may assist you with clearing access and parking to your facility, and so forth. As we offer our in-house training for free to the public, you may wish to take a few of our courses (e.g. Communications and 2-way Radio Use) to better understand how to work with us as well as to help yourself and your family in an emergency.