This book will contain course materials for the CERT(*) Portable Radio Fundamentals Course.
Course Summary:
This course focuses on tactical (small team field coordination) use of handheld FRS radios with some information on GMRS. It consists of two segments with both classroom training and a short practical exercise at the end of each segment. The course starts with the absolute basics of how to turn a radio on, works up to basic prowords (how to use "over" and "out", for instance), and ends with participants setting up and operating a simple radio network and passing some information. Both segments can be taught inside a total of 5 to 5.5 hours (2 x 2.5 hour segments). We generally run these on a Saturday with a lunch break between the two segments.
These first two segments focus on participating in a small-team tactical network. An additional segment is planned which will focus on operating a small-team tactical network and basic dispatch procedures.
LCSA Volunteers who take and pass segments I & II shall meet the the minimum Auxiliary radio training requiements. Volunteers with HAM radio experience who meet the ARES qualifications also meet Auxiliary radio training requirements and do not require this course.
(*) The original materials for this class were written FOR USE WITH the Community Emergency Response Team in Fairfax County, VA and DC Metro Area CERT by Virginia RACES. It was not written BY CERT and has not been approved by the Lawrence County CERT. It represents materials recommended as add-on training for CERT teams and other volunteer emergency response employing small teams with 2-way radios. These materials were used by permission. Original materials available from the FCC web site.
Submitted by evought on