weapon retention

evought's picture

Weapons Retention Class Was Held Today

The Auxiliary's first Weapon's Retention class was held today at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Mount Vernon. Volunteers spent the morning learning about firearm safety in the home, in vehicles, and when carrying on the street. They got time to practice trying to disarm each other and protect their weapons from being taken by an attacker. Whether or not we wear uniforms, if we own or carry weapons, we have an ethical responsibility to not let bad guys get them from us.


evought's picture

Weapons Retention and Empty Hand Techniques

This page is a placeholder for the development of Weapons Retention and Empty Hand Techniques Training. Typically, we will use commercial instructors and off-the-shelf curriculum for this class. This page will be a source for further study and refresher information. Individual techniques from this class will often find their way into short practice sessions at meetings and other training events.

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