July 2012

Lessons Learned Study: The Response To the 2011 Joplin, Missouri, Tornado

[Updated 1 Time]
I have just received a PDF from the Homeland Security Digital Library, entitled "The Response To the 2011 Joplin, Missouri, Tornado; Lessons Learned Study". This is a evaluation of the local, regional, state, and federal response to the EF-5 tornado and its aftermath. The document is unclassified and is redistributable.

SEMA Disaster Map Books, US National Grid, Free/Open Map Resources

A Lawrence County map page viewed in Acrobat Reader on Linux

Last night at the Barry/Lawrence ARES meeting in Monett, I told people about the SEMA Disaster Support Mapbooks, a set of 1:25000 Missouri atlases, one atlas per county, using the US National Grid (USNG) Coordinate Reference System (CRS), in a Geospatial PDF format (readable by most PDF viewers with some applications providing more features than others).

Missouri Cartography and Geospatial Data (Maps)

This page will be used to organize resources for Missouri cartography (under construction).

Partisan Political Activity

Given that we perform uniformed service for the Sheriff's Office, we need to follow some rules regarding political activity.

ID Cards

You will be issued LCS Auxiliary ID cards by the County. Once your paperwork is in order, you will be given a form to take to the County Emergency Management Agency and an ID will be made.


As this is a subject which people tend to think is confusing, it gets its own section.

Courtesy, Formality, and Command

Although this is not a military organization, the structure and hierarchy is based on a military command structure. As a volunteer organization, no one is compelled to be a part of it, everyone's skills and input are valuable, and a paycheck is not an incentive, so off-the-field, many of our activities may be relatively informal. On-the-field, however, we are an emergency response team: actions must be taken quickly, decisively, and correctly. We must move, act, and function as a team. We must obey orders from the licensed Peace Officers who are supervising us promptly.

Terms of Service, Liability, Confidentially

Our volunteers serve at the pleasure of the Office of the Sheriff. Although we are not employees of the Sheriff or of the County, we must follow all rules, regulations, verbal and written instructions of our superiors within the Auxiliary, the Office of the Sheriff, and of the County subject to our oath of service.

Prayer of the Volunteer


The forked banner represents the cloak of Saint Martin, the rich cloak of a Roman Equítaté, a knight, which he tore in two to clothe a freezing beggar outside the gates of Amiens. You rewarded him, Lord, with a vision of Yourself clothed in his ragged cloak.



Per ardua liberis
meaning: "Freedom through adversity."
It is only through duty and service that we have rights, only through sacrifice and hardship that we are or will remain free.
