Prayer of the Volunteer

evought's picture


The forked banner represents the cloak of Saint Martin, the rich cloak of a Roman Equítaté, a knight, which he tore in two to clothe a freezing beggar outside the gates of Amiens. You rewarded him, Lord, with a vision of Yourself clothed in his ragged cloak.


When we look around us, we are often afraid: afraid that our needs will not be met, that we will lose our comforts, afraid for our future in the world we see ahead. Help us to remember that there are always those more needy than ourselves, people whose needs are not met, who have no comforts, whose fears are darker and more justified, people who need not close their eyes to experience our nightmares.


Instruct us Lord, through Your Word, by Your example, and especially in our hearts to serve You by serving others, and, in that service, perhaps find comfort for our own fears.


