September 2014

Firearm Options For the Under-Sized

A blog post on the "Total Survivalist Blog" entitled "The Basic 4 For a Smallish Woman" talks about firearm options for smaller/lighter weight women, but much of what the author says applies equally to men like me who do not have big paws and gorilla arms. In many cases, it is not about recoil but fit and firearm design; it just takes different choices to do the job.

Active Shooter Response Guidelines


Guidelines For Volunteers On Patrol

These Guidelines are applicable to Auxiliary patrols generally, including security patrols and livestock patrols. These guidelines should be used as the basis for operations orders or as a fallback in the case of a no-notice deployment.


Patrols should always consist of at least two pairs of volunteers who will be available for mutual support. Volunteers may also be paired with law enforcement officers or other responders (e.g. CERT, Cattlemen, Missouri Militia, National Guard) if the mission requires it.

Procedures For Use Of Force Incident (Volunteer)

This section defines the procedure for a volunteer who is involved in a Use of Force incident on or off duty, in or out of uniform. The definition of Use of Force includes any altercation which results or is likely to result in civil or criminal legal action and specifically includes:

SOP/SOG Use of Force Guidelines

The Auxiliary is now going through the process of organizing the Standard Operating Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures which have appeared in various documents, operations orders, and trainings until this point. You will find them in the Volunteer Handbook under Standard Operating Guidelines and Procedures. What is the difference between a Guideline and a Procedure? You will find the definition on that page.

Use of Force Guidelines

This section contains general guidelines for use of force in and out of uniform, on and off duty. Other guidelines will describe use of force considerations for specific missions and scenarios. Detailed Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for specific cases shall also be provided in the appropriate section of this Handbook.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

This section shall contain Standard Operating Procedures for operation of the Auxiliary as the term Procedures is defined in this Handbook.

Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG)

This section shall contain Standard Operating Guidelines for the operation of the Auxiliary where "Guidelines" is defined in this Volunteer Handbook. Individual Guidelines will link/refer to applicable Procedures where this makes organizational sense. Additional Guidelines may be published and distributed outside this Handbook if their content is of a sensitive or restricted nature which should not be visible to the public (see the LCSA Information Security (INFOSEC) document for definitions of what content may be restricted and how it shall be marked).

Standard Operating Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP/SOG)

These sections will detail Standard Operating Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP/SOG) for the operation of the Sheriff's Auxiliary. As this Volunteer Handbook is generally visible to the public, we may also publish and distribute additional SOP/SOG which may have restricted content (e.g. specific security procedures).


Staff Changes, Chief of Staff

As of this evening, Sergeant-Major Susan Durbin is Acting Chief-of-Staff of the Sheriff's Auxiliary as Captain Krista Haymes has gone on Non-Operational status. We will make permanent decisions regarding this position sometime after Apple Butter Makin' Days is over.

SGTMAJ Durbin has been the company Adjutant and senior NCO until today. She is therefore now in charge of the entire Personnel section. This will result in an opening in either the Adutant or Chief-of-Staff position post-October.