Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG)

evought's picture

This section shall contain Standard Operating Guidelines for the operation of the Auxiliary where "Guidelines" is defined in this Volunteer Handbook. Individual Guidelines will link/refer to applicable Procedures where this makes organizational sense. Additional Guidelines may be published and distributed outside this Handbook if their content is of a sensitive or restricted nature which should not be visible to the public (see the LCSA Information Security (INFOSEC) document for definitions of what content may be restricted and how it shall be marked). Specifically, Guidelines which contain For Official Use Only (FOUO) content or which pertain to security processes may be restricted. In general, every effort should be made to organize content such that the majority of our guidelines are publicly available for purposes of oversight and for potential reuse by other organizations. Restricted information shall be kept to the smallest possible portion which may justifiably be restricted.

In many cases, the Sheriff's Auxiliary may conduct training or volunteers may be trained (through SEMA or FEMA, or via required certifications) on topics which are not covered by these guidelines or where they have not yet made their way into formal documents. This will especially be the case in the formative years of the organization. Where that is the case, volunteers are expected to follow their training.
